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Harford County Development Advisory Committee met October 17.

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Harford County Development Advisory Committee met Oct. 17.

Here is the minutes provided by the committee:

The Development Advisory Committee (DAC) met on October 17, 2018 at 9:00 a.m. in the First Floor Conference Room, 220 S. Main Street, Bel Air, Maryland. The meeting was chaired by Moe Davenport, Department of Planning and Zoning.

The following members were in attendance:

Moe Davenport Chairman, DAC

Bill Snyder Volunteer Fire & EMS

Robin Wales Department of Emergency Services

Len Walinski Health Department

Daryl Ivins DPW – Water & Sewer

Mike Rist DPW Engineering

Senior Deputy Barresi Sheriff’s Office

Rich Zeller State Highway Administration

Jenni Daniels Planner, Development Review

Also in attendance:

Erich Schmitt Stephanie Taylor

Bob Wilson Jake Adler

Ashley McMahan Tom Miner

Moe Davenport, of the Department of Planning and Zoning, welcomed everyone to the meeting. He explained there is one plan on the agenda. Mr. Davenport explained that a brief presentation will be given by the consultant for the project. The DAC members will give their comments on the project. The meeting will then be opened up for anyone in attendance that may have questions or comments. If anyone has questions that are not answered, there are information request forms that can be filled out and submitted to the Department of Planning and Zoning and they will be responded to in writing. There is an attendance sheet circulating for everyone to sign. If a correct address is given, a copy of the minutes will be mailed or e-mailed. The minutes are recorded and will also be published to the Department of Planning and Zoning’s website.


Located on the south side of Trappe Church Road; west of Deths Ford Road. Tax Map 28; Parcel 142; Fifth Election District. Council District D. Planner Jenni.

Plan No. P-381-2018 Create 5 residential Ag Pres lots/10 acres/AG.

Received 09-12-2018 John Hopkins, Jr./Ann Gregory/Wilson Deegan & Associates Inc.

Verbatim Transcript

Bob Wilson with Wilson Deegan & Associates presented the plan:

Good Morning everyone. I’m Bob Wilson with Wilson Deegan Associates. The proposal that we have today is to create five single family lots on a 171 acre farm in Darlington known as Hopkins Farm. The farm is currently is Ag Preservation and these five lots are permitted by the preservation agreement and will exhaust all of the available lots. With that I will turn it over to DAC.

Bill Snyder – Volunteer Fire and EMS

No comment.

Robin Wales – Department of Emergency Services

Lot 1 will remain #1951 Trappe Church Rd, Lot 2 #1943, lot 3 #1937, lot 4, #1935 and lot 5 #1931 Trappe Church Rd. These addresses will work if available, displayed properly, and if approved by the Department of Planning and Zoning.

The addresses of panhandle lots shall be displayed at the entrance within 10’ of the public roadway, at least 3 feet high, & at each driveway to indicate the proper lane of access for each property.

Len Walinski – Health Department

The Harford County Health Department (HCHD) has extended its approval for the above referenced preliminary plan. The site is located on the south side of Trappe Church Road, west of Deths Ford Road.

This plan proposes to create five (5) single family residential lots. Lot 1 is improved with a dwelling and is serviced by an individual well and on-site disposal system (OSDS). Lots 2 through 5 are unimproved and will be serviced by individual wells and OSDSs. Soil tests were conducted on October 10, 2018, June 6, 2017 and December 22, 2011.

The consultant provided this office with a revised print on October 15, 2018 that addresses the following:

1. An acceptable trench layout for the proposed lots showing an initial and three (3) repairs based on a four (4) bedroom house.

2. An acceptable future well site for Lot 1 that meets all current setback requirements. The future well site documents that the lot meets the requirements of COMAR 26.04.03.

The HCHD lacks any permit information on the provisions servicing Lot 1. As a result, this office conducted a site visit to the property for the purpose of evaluating the existing well and OSDS on October 10, 2018. The existing water supply is a drilled well located in a pit next to the house. The OSDS is located in the back yard and appeared to be functioning with no evidence of surfacing to the ground.

The following language must be included on the final plat if this well and OSDS are to remain:

“The existing well and on-site sewage disposal system (OSDS) are acceptable for the subdivision of land as replacement locations have been provided for each. However, the existing well location is not acceptable per Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR) (1)(a) for the issuance of a future building permit that adds or modifies living space. At that time, a new well must be drilled in an approved location and the current well abandoned by a Maryland Licensed Well Driller along with a State of Maryland Well Abandonment Report submitted to this office. Additionally, the existing OSDS must be thoroughly evaluated prior to the issuance of a future building permit that adds or modifies living space to verify compliance with COMAR Any deficiencies observed regarding the OSDS will need to be corrected by means of an On-Site Sewage Disposal permit.”

The final plat must bear the well, septic reserve area, and plat plan notes. The square footage amount of the septic reserve area must be clearly labeled on the final plat.

Mike Rist – DPW Engineering

1. A sediment control plan and a grading permit will be required for the development of this site. Sediment controls are to be designed to the specifications as set forth in the Maryland Standards for Erosion and Sediment Control, latest edition.

2. Stormwater Management must be provided in accordance with the 2000 Design Manual as amended by Supplement 1.

3. A stormwater management concept plan has been submitted for review and approved.

4. The final stormwater management plan shall be approved prior to the issuance of a grading permit. A stormwater management permit is required prior to the issuance of a building permit.

5. Stormwater management practices designed for and located on individual lots shall be constructed and inspected prior to the issuance of use and occupancy permits. Practices located on individual lots are the maintenance responsibility of the owner.

6. Roadside drainage shall be addressed along Trappe Church Road by providing a 3’ graded shoulder and side ditch or other measures to be determined during final design.

7. Access permits are required for the proposed driveways.

8. The driveways must be paved within the County right-of-way prior to issuance of any use and occupancy permits and provide adequate site distance for a 30 mph design speed.

9. Monumental masonry mailboxes or structures shall not be constructed within the right-of-way.

10. A 30’ right-of-way dedication is required along Trappe Church Road.

Senior Deputy Barresi - Sheriff’s Office

No comment.

Rich Zeller – State Highway Administration

The MDOT SHA has no objection to Preliminary Plan approval as access to this site is from a county road, and there are no impacts to the MDOT SHA right-of-way.

Jenni Daniels – Planner

1. The property is zoned AG (Agricultural) and totals 171.67 +/- acres. This plan proposes to create five (5) residential agricultural preservation lots of 2.00+/- acres each, for a total of 10+/- acres.

2. This property is subject to a Harford County Agricultural Land Preservation Easement, recorded in liber 2443 folio 352 of the land records of Harford County, Maryland. These lots are proposed in accordance with terms of that easement. All the lots and the remaining farm shall remain subject to the terms of the above referenced land preservation agreement.

3. The building and occupancy permits shall be issued in the children’s names only and must be noted on the final plat.

4. Lots 2 and 4 are being created under Paragraph K of the Deed of Easement. The creation of these lots will fully extinguish the use of this clause as noted in the Deed of Easement.

5. This property is subject to the Harford County Forest and Tree Conservation Regulations. A Declaration of Intent (DOI) was submitted to the Department of Planning and Zoning stating zero (0) acres of forest are to be cleared on Lots 1-5.

6. This property is located within a Tier II watershed. The applicant will be forwarded the required MDE checklist. Questions regarding the checklist may be forwarded to Brittany Long of the Department of Planning and Zoning.

7. A common drive agreement is required for Lots 1 and 2 to provide for the use, maintenance, and responsibility of the common drive and it shall be recorded with the final plat.

Public Comments –

There were no public comments.


Located on the north side of Davis Corner Road; east of Heaps Road. Tax Map 11: Parcel 86; Lot 1; Fifth Election District. Council District D. Planner Jenni.

Plan No. P-383-2018 Subdivide existing Lot 1 to create Lot 9/11. 204 acres/AG. Received 09-13-2018 C. Larry Holbrook/Highland Survey Associates Inc.

Verbatim Transcript

Erich Schmitt with Highland Survey Associates Inc. presented the plan:

My name is Erich Schmitt and I’m from Highland Survey Associates. This property that we have been involved with since 1994 when Cecil Holbrook passed and gave lots to all of his children and this new lot that we are going to do here is for a one of his grandchildren. This is lot 9 and 8 of these lots have been for family members on his farm. We are going to access the driveway right passed Dad’s house and up to the son’s house. We have completed the perc test and everything I believe was in order.

Bill Snyder – Volunteer Fire and EMS

No comment.

Robin Wales – Department of Emergency Services

Lot 1 will remain #3951 Davis Corner Rd and lot 9 #3947 Davis Corner Rd. This address will work if available, displayed properly, and if approved by the Department of Planning and Zoning.

The addresses of panhandle lots shall be displayed at the entrance within 10’ of the public roadway, at least 3 feet high, & at each driveway to indicate the proper lane of access for each property.

Len Walinski – Health Department

This plan proposes subdividing existing Lot 1 to create Lot 9. Lot 1 is improved and is serviced by an individual well and an on-site disposal system (OSDS). Lot 9 is unimproved and will be serviced by an individual well and OSDS. Soil tests were conducted on September 9, 2018 and October 29, 1998.

Prior to further review, the following are required:

1. The type of well construction for Lot 1 must be indicated. Well construction may include such descriptions as a drilled well, pit drilled well, buried well, or hand dug well. If the well is drilled, the consultant and/or developer needs to indicate if a well tag is present and, if present, the tag number must be provided on a print to this office.

2. Provide on a print a future well site for Lot 1 that meets all current setback requirements. Even if the existing well can remain in service (to be determined), the future well site will document that the lot meets the requirements of COMAR 26.04.03 for the Subdivision of Land.

Upon receipt of the above information, this office will update its comments.

The final plat must bear the well, septic reserve area, and plat plan notes. The square footage amount of the septic reserve area must be clearly labeled on the final plat.

Mike Rist – DPW Engineering

1. A standard sediment control plan shall be required for land disturbing activities exceeding 5,000 square feet.

2. Stormwater Management must be provided in accordance with the 2000 Design Manual as amended by Supplement 1.

3. A standard stormwater management plan for single lot residential construction or an engineered plan shall be submitted and approved prior to the issuance of a grading permit or building permit.

4. Stormwater management practices designed for and located on individual lots shall be constructed and inspected prior to the issuance of use and occupancy permits.

Maintenance is the responsibility of the individual lot owner.

Senior Deputy Barresi - Sheriff’s Office

No comment.

Rich Zeller – State Highway Administration

The MDOT SHA has no objection to Preliminary Plan approval as access to this site is from a county road, and there are no impacts to the MDOT SHA right-of-way.

Jenni Daniels – Planner

1. This plan proposes revise previously recorded plat 205-46, entitled “2nd Revision of Lot One, Lands of, Cecil F. Holbrook Estate” by subdividing Lot 1 into two residential lots. The lot is zoned Agricultural and totals 11.204+/- acres.

2. Lot 1 is grandfathered from the Harford County Forest and Tree Conservation Regulations because it was previously created around an existing dwelling. Lot 9 will be subject under the conditions of the abbreviated process described in section 267- 38 of the Code. A Declaration of Intent (DOI) was submitted to the Department of Planning and Zoning stating zero (0) acres of forest will be cleared. All forested areas to be retained within this lot shall be labeled as “Forest Retention Area” on the final plat, along with deeds containing covenants and restrictions protecting the retention areas, to be recorded with the plat.

3. A common drive agreement is required for Lots 1 and 9 to provide for the use, maintenance, and responsibility of the common drive and it shall be recorded with the final plat.

Public Comments –

There were no public comments.


Located on the southeastern corner of the intersection of Whitaker Mill Road & Bel Air Road (Route 1). Tax Map 55; Parcel 274. Third Election District. Council District B. Planner Jen.

Plan No. S-390-2018 Construct 12,000 sf Retail Bldg./2.20 acres/B3.

Received 09-19-2018 1601 Bel Air Road LLC/Benson Retail Center LLC/FWA

Verbatim Transcript

Tom Miner with Frederick Ward Associates presented the plan:

Hello, my name is Tom Miner. This is for 1601 Bel Air Road where we are proposing a commercial building with 12,000 sf. We are going to have a stormwater facility shared from the Benson Retail Center and our property along with facilities on our property. We will have access from US Route 1 and Whitaker Mill Road.

Bill Snyder – Volunteer Fire and EMS

 Recommend the usage of non-combustible landscaping directly next to the buildings. Traditional, wooden-mulch increases likelihood of nuisance fires from outdoor smoking.

 Building shall have a Knox Key Box installed if it has an automatic sprinkler system or a supervised, automatic fire detection system per NFPA 1, Part III, 3-6. Key Box shall be keyed for the Bel Air Fire Company: 410-638-4400.

Robin Wales – Department of Emergency Services

Department of Emergency Services is requesting the proposed commercial retail building must display 8” – 10” address numbers and letters or a size that can be clearly visible from Bel Air Rd (US 1). Also display the address number on the sign along the road.

“Public safety wireless radio communications inside a building is essential to the safety of those occupying the structure as well as fire, law enforcement and emergency medical providers responding to a call for help. Buildings that are greater than 5,000 square feet, higher than 50 feet, contain underground storage or parking and are constructed of materials that impede wireless radio signals that may adversely affect the response of public safety providers. Please consider including wiring, electrical connections and other infrastructure that may be needed for an in-building 800 MHz amplifier. Department of Emergency Services will test coverage in your facility once construction is finished. Call 410- 638-4900 for this assistance.”

For the retail building, please label the rear doors with the business name and suite letter / number so correct access can be gained during an emergency and if not 24 hour operation,

Emergency Services must have a list of 3 (three) emergency contacts for notification, response, and securing purposes.

Len Walinski – Health Department

The Harford County Health Department (HCHD) has extended its approval for the above This plan proposes to construct a 12,000 sq. ft. retail building that will be serviced by public water and sewer.

This office has the following comments regarding this proposal:

Any buildings to be razed will require a demolition permit that is secured through the Department of Planning and Zoning. All aspects of the demolition work must be reviewed, approved, and completed to the satisfaction of the Health Department. This includes, but is not limited to, the abandonment of any wells and septic systems, the management of asbestos, hazardous materials, and solid wastes, and the removal of underground storage tanks. All documentation concerning the demolition work must be forwarded to this office. If the owner/developer has any questions concerning the demolition work, they may contact Samantha Peternel at the HCHD at 410-877-2328.

At this time, the retail uses on the site have not been identified. Any type of future food service operation planned for this site, must be reviewed and approved by the HCHD prior to the issuance of a building permit. To request a food service facility review package, the owner or his/her agent should contact Justin Waszkiewicz at 410-877-2309. If the plan is recognized as a prototype plan, review will also be required by the Maryland Department of Health (MDH), Division of Food Control. If there are any questions regarding this review, the applicant should contact MDH at 410-767-8412.

The owner/developer is reminded that during the development of this project when soil moisture conditions are low, measures must be implemented to prevent the generation of dust until a permanent vegetative cover is established and all paving is completed

Additional comments from this office will be provided at the time of the building permit or tenant/occupancy permit. It is the responsibility of the owner/operator to be aware of any regulatory requirements for the proposed use and for obtaining appropriate permits. referenced site plan. The site is located on the southeastern corner of the intersection of Whitaker Mill Road and Bel Air Road (U.S. Route 1).

Daryl Ivins – DPW Water & Sewer

The following comments shall be included as conditions of Site Plan approval for the above- described project:

Since the proposed use of this building is not yet known, the meter setting and backflow preventer may be required to be placed within the building. If an outside vault is utilized, the vault may not be located within the existing sewer easement along Route 1.

The existing fire hydrant that must be moved because of the proposed site entrance must be relocated southward along Route 1. The preferred location is in front of Parcel 230. An easement may be required for the fire hydrant installation. If so, the easement must be executed prior to approval of the Commercial Application.

There is an existing sewer service for this property along Route 1 that should be utilized to serve the proposed building. If it cannot be used, the existing service must be abandoned as part of the utility work for the project.

Any sewer cleanouts that are located within the paved area shall be installed using the County cleanout in paving detail S-28. The detail shall be shown on the utility plan and referenced on the plan and/or profile drawing.

The construction contract numbers for the existing utilities shall be shown on the drawing submitted with the Commercial Application.

A Commercial Service Application must be completed by the owner and approved by Harford County before a building permit will be issued for this project. Contact the Division of Water and Sewer Administration and Permitting Section at 410-638-3300 for additional information.

The Commercial Service Application Number 20005 must be added to the title block of the site plan submitted with the Application for approval.

Mike Rist – DPW Engineering

1. A sediment control plan and a grading permit will be required for the development of this site. Sediment controls are to be designed to the specifications as set forth in the Maryland Standards for Erosion and Sediment Control, latest edition.

2. Stormwater Management must be provided in accordance with the 2000 Design Manual as amended by Supplement 1.

3. A stormwater management concept plan has been submitted for review and must be approved prior to preliminary plan approval.

4. An agreement shall be executed to allow for the construction and define maintenance responsibilities of the stormwater management facilities on Parcel 229, Lot 1. The facility shall be constructed within a stormwater management easement.

5. The final stormwater management plan shall be approved prior to the issuance of a grading permit. A stormwater management permit is required prior to the issuance of a building permit.

6. Road plans will need to be approved and a Public Works Agreement will need to be executed prior to the issuance of building permits for the site.

7. Whitaker Mill Road shall be constructed in accordance with one half of a 36’ wide closed section street standard.

8. The westerly entrance onto Whitaker Mill Road shall be a minimum 25’ width with 35’ radii.

9. The easterly one-way entrance shall be a maximum width of 15’ with 25’ radii.

10. Stormdrain inlets shall not be located within the curb radii. The stormdrain shall be extended to the easterly property line to intercept flow within the roadway side ditch.

11. A 30’ right-of-way dedication is required along Whitaker Mill Road.

12. A traffic impact analysis was submitted for the following intersections:

 US 1@ MD 147/US 1 Business

 US1@MD152

 US 1@ Connolly Road/Whitaker Mill Road

 US 1 Business@ Old Joppa Road/ Old Joppa Court

 MD 152@ MD 147

 MD 147@ Connolly Road

 US 1@ Reckord Road

 MD 152@ Reckord Road

 Old Joppa Road@ Whitaker Mill Road

 US 1@ Site Access

 Whitaker Mill Road@ Site Access

Comments are being forwarded to Planning and Zoning

Senior Deputy Barresi - Sheriff’s Office

No comment.

Rich Zeller – State Highway Administration

An access permit will be required for the proposed entrance and frontage improvements on US 1 that must be obtained from the District 4 Access Management office. The MDOT SHA is currently reviewing the traffic impact study (TIS) prepared for this development. When comments become available they will be forwarded to all interested parties. We will defer specific comments regarding this entrance and potential road improvements until our review of the TIS is complete.

All proposed utility connections taking place within the MDOT SHA right-of-way will be subject to the terms of a separate utility permit that may be obtained by contacting Mr. Michael Pasquariello, District 4 Utility Engineer at 410-229-2341. A copy of the plan will be forwarded to his office.

Moe Davenport for Jen Wilson – Planner

1. A new series of the Site Plan is required. The Site Plan shall specify the proposed use of the building.

2. A 25’ Use setback shall apply along the eastern property line for the adjacent residential lot. The proposed entrance and drive aisle must be removed from this use setback.

3. All required parking must be provided onsite. Parking spaces that cross the lot line may not count toward the required parking.

4. A Preliminary Plan shall be submitted for the consolidation of the two (2) existing parcels. Recorded plat 200-79 shall be revised to provide easements for shared access across Lots 1 and 2 and the proposed stormwater management area on Lot 1.

5. A new series of the Landscape and Lighting Plan is required to provide foundation plantings on the façade facing Route 1. Landscaping shall be provided where parking or drive aisles abut adjoining properties or a road right-of-way. The proposed parking lot & reforestation trees must be located onsite. Screening or an enclosure must be provided for the proposed dumpster area. The plan must be signed by the developer prior to Site Plan approval.

Moe Davenport – Those are the departments comments. Are there any additional comments from DAC members?

Daryl Ivins – Tom, the comments that I gave regarding the water service and the sewer service should be addressed in the second series to make sure that they work or don’t work. Moe Davenport – And, Mike I guess the distance to that entrance is to.

Mike Rist – Yes, that should also be addressed on the second series.

Public Comments –

Stephanie Taylor – My neighborhood is right behind where this proposed development is supposed to happen. I just want to go on record that I am opposed to this. The traffic in that area is horrendous. One of three entrances into my neighborhood is Whitaker Mill from Bel Air Road and if I could show you something. This is what happens at the intersection way to often. That is my parent’s car. They were hit when someone ran the red light right there and put my father in the hospital for four months. He has never been the same. I sit in my back yard all of the time and that is what I hear. Accidents. Accidents. Accidents. Even since WalMart got put in there the traffic from Mountain Road all the way up to the by-pass is terrible. I try to not even go out that way anymore. It is not safe. I try to go out Old Joppa Road and now Old Joppa Road is not safe because of all those apartments that the county gave approval for. I don’t want this. It is not safe. Thank you.

Meeting adjourned at 9:25 am.




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