Harford County Agricultural Preservation Advisory Board met June 5.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
Attendees: Board: John Stump, Jeff Holloway, Dave Dougherty
Staff: Bill Amoss
The meeting was called to order; a quorum was established at 7:00pm at 220 South Main.
Meeting notes from the May 2018 meeting were reviewed. Dave Dougherty moved for approval as presented, Jeff Holloway seconded. Motion passed.
Board reviewed request from Grandview farm (Will Bailey family farm) (County District) located at 1939 Highpoint Road Forest Hill MD 21050 to conduct weddings and receptions in their old barn. A rough site plan using an aerial photo describing the grass parking in the front field and the old barn to be used was presented and discussed with the board. As explained there will be no other structures built for the use and only caterers used and portable bathrooms will be utilized. Family understands that they will need to get all other approvals and permits from county and state agencies, including P&Z use permits, DLP permits, State Fire Marshall and Health requirements. Jeff Holloway motioned for approval and Dave Dougherty 2nd, board approved.
Board reviewed request from “Hopkins Brewery” however no owners or the lead project engineer was present to answer questions so request was tabled for July board meeting.
Staff updated board on County offers and legislation as well as MALPF updates and Rural Legacy. MALPF inspections will start soon, followed by Rural Legacy ones.
Meeting adjourn at 8:45pm