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Thursday, March 13, 2025

City of Aberdeen Council met July 23.

Webp meeting 11

City of Aberdeen Council met July 23.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:

A) Call To Order

The Mayor called the Council Meeting to order in the Council Chambers at 7:00 p.m.

B) Roll Call

Present: Mayor Patrick McGrady

Councilman Steven Goodin

Councilwoman Sandra Landbeck

Councilman Timothy Lindecamp

Councilman Melvin Taylor

Also Present: Randy Robertson, City Manager; Phyllis Grover, Director of Planning & Community Development; Kyle Torster, Director of Public Works; Henry Trabert, Chief of Police; Opiribo Jack, Director of Finance; and Monica Correll, City Clerk

C) Opening Prayer

Deacon Ray Van Pelt from St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church delivered the opening prayer.

D) Pledge Of Allegiance To The Flag Of The United States of America

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilman Steven Goodin.

E) Approval Of Consent Agenda - None

F) Approval Of Minutes

F.1 July 9, 2018 Council Meeting

7-9-18 Council Meeting Minutes.pdf

F.2 July 9, 2018 Council Work Session

7-9-18 Work Session Minutes.pdf

F.3 July 9, 2018 Closed Meeting Minutes

A motion was made by Councilman Lindecamp and seconded by Councilman Goodin to approve the minutes of the July 9, 2018 Council Meeting, July 9, 2018 Council Work Session, and the July 9, 2018 Closed Meeting. The motion carried by a vote of 5 – yes; 0 – no.

Ayes: Mayor Patrick McGrady, Councilman Steven Goodin, Councilwoman Sandra Landbeck, Councilman Timothy Lindecamp, Councilman Melvin Taylor Nays: None

G) Statement Of Closed Meeting

G.1 Statement of Closed Meeting for July 9, 2018 Statement of Closed Meeting for 7-9-18.pdf

The Mayor read the statement of closed meeting into the minutes: On Monday, July 9, 2018, the Mayor and Council held a regularly scheduled Council Meeting in the Council Chambers at 7:00 p.m. All members voted by roll call in the affirmative to close the meeting. At approximately 8:39 p.m., a closed meeting was convened by the Mayor and Council in the second floor administrative conference room. Members present were: Mayor Patrick McGrady, Councilman Steven Goodin, Councilwoman Sandra Landbeck, Councilman Timothy Lindecamp, and Councilman Melvin Taylor. Also in attendance were: Randy Robertson, City Manager; Phyllis Grover, Director of Planning and Community Development; and Monica Correll, City Clerk.There was also one guest in attendance. The meeting was held pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, Statutory Authority Md. Code Annotated, General Provisions Article § 3-305(b): (3) to consider the acquisition of real property for a public purpose and matters directly related thereto. The topic was to consider acquisition of real property and the purpose for the closed meeting discussion was to protect the Council deliberative process. The Council conducted discussions on the subject matter and gave instructions to the City Manager and the guest. No action was taken and the meeting was adjourned at 9:26 p.m.

H) Presentations

H.1 Presentation of Business Award - Golden Corral

Mayor McGrady presented Certificates of Recognition to the owner and general manager of the Aberdeen Golden Corral, Mr. Russell Carmosino and Mr. Rich Brackett, respectively, for 38 years of strong business presence in the City of Aberdeen.

I) Public Hearings - None

J) Public Comment

Ruth Ann Young, Doris Circle: Ms. Young asked for the status of the repairs for the Senior

Center and an update on the Middelton Road Project.

Robert Hartman, Paradise Road: Mr. Hartman commented on a drainage problem at the intersection of Rt. 22 and Paradise Road.

K) Legislative Session

K.1 Resolution No. 18-R-02, New Employee Residence Incentive Policy (Withdraw Resolution) [5th Meeting]

Resolution No. 18-R-02, New Employee Residence Incentive Policy.pdf

Resolution No. 18-R-02 was withdrawn by the Council.

K.2 Resolution No. 18-R-03, Employee Residence Incentive Policy (For Introduction and Adoption) (Sponsor's needed)

Resolution No. 18-R-03, Employee Residence Incentive Policy.pdf

Councilman Lindecamp and Councilwoman Landbeck agreed to sponsor.

A motion was made by Councilman Lindecamp and seconded by Councilwoman Landbeck to introduce Resolution No. 18-R-03, Employee Residence Incentive Policy. The motion carried by a vote of 4 – yes; 1 – no.

Ayes: Councilman Steven Goodin, Councilwoman Sandra Landbeck,

Councilman Timothy Lindecamp, Councilman Melvin Taylor

Nays: Mayor Patrick McGrady

K.3 Ordinance No. 18-O-20, Retiree Benefit Plan (For Adoption) [3rd meeting]

Ordinance No. 18-O-20, Retiree Benefit Plan.pdf

A motion was made by Councilman Taylor and seconded by Councilwoman Landbeck to adopt Ordinance No. 18-O-20, Retiree Benefit Plan. The motion carried by a vote of 5 – yes; 0 – no.

Ayes: Mayor Patrick McGrady, Councilman Steven Goodin, Councilwoman Sandra Landbeck, Councilman Timothy Lindecamp, Councilman Melvin Taylor

Nays: None

K.4 Ordinance No. 18-O-22, Aberdeen Wellhead Protection Ordinance (For Introduction) (Sponsor/s needed)

Ordinance No. 18-O-22, Aberdeen Wellhead Protection Ordinance.pdf

Wellhead Protection Zones Imagery.pdf

Councilwoman Landbeck and Councilman Taylor agreed to sponsor the Ordinance.

A motion was made by Councilwoman Landbeck and seconded by Councilman Taylor to introduce Ordinance No. 18-O-22, Aberdeen Wellhead Protection. The motion carried by a vote of 5 – yes; 0 – no.

Ayes: Mayor Patrick McGrady, Councilman Steven Goodin, Councilwoman Sandra Landbeck, Councilman Timothy Lindecamp, Councilman Melvin Taylor

Nays: None

K.5) Ordinance No. 18-O-23, Amendment to the Business Improvement Incentive Tax Credit (For Introduction) (Sponsor/s needed)

K.6) Ordinance No. 18-O-24, Amendments to the Business Incentive Subclass (For Introduction) (Sponsor/s needed)

Councilwoman Landbeck and Councilman Lindecamp agreed to sponsor Ordinance No.18-O-23, Amendment to the Business Improvement Incentive Tax Credit and Ordinance No. 18-O-24, Amendments to the Business Incentive Subclass.

A motion was made by Councilwoman Landbeck and seconded by Councilman Lindecamp to introduce Ordinance No. 18-O-23, Amendment to the Business Improvement Incentive Tax Credit and Amendment to the Business Improvement Incentive Tax Credit and Ordinance No.18-O-24, Amendments to the Business Incentive Subclass. The motion carried by a vote of 5 – yes; 0 – no.

Ayes: Mayor Patrick McGrady, Councilman Steven Goodin, Councilwoman Sandra Landbeck, Councilman Timothy Lindecamp, Councilman Melvin Taylor

Nays: None

Ordinance No. 18-O-23, Amendment to the Business Improvement Incentive Tax Credit.pdf

Ordinance No. 18-O-24, Amendments to the Business Incentive Subclass.pdf

K.7 Ordinance No. 18-O-25, Stormwater Management (For Introduction) (Sponsor/s needed) Ordinance No. 18-O-25, Stormwater Management.pdf Councilman Goodin and Councilman Lindecamp agreed to sponsor the Ordinance.

A motion was made by Councilman Goodin and seconded by Councilman Lindecamp to introduce Ordinance No. 18-O-25, Stormwater Management. The motion carried by a vote of 5 – yes; 0 – no.

Ayes: Mayor Patrick McGrady, Councilman Steven Goodin, Councilwoman Sandra

Landbeck, Councilman Timothy Lindecamp, Councilman Melvin Taylor

Nays: None

L) Unfinished Business - None

M) New Business

M.1 Reappointment to Planning Commission, Mark Schlottman

Mayor McGrady nominated Mark Schlottman to the Aberdeen Planning Commission retroactive from 7-1-17 for a term of 5 years. The motion carried by a vote of 5 – yes; 0 – no.

Ayes: Mayor Patrick McGrady, Councilman Steven Goodin, Councilwoman Sandra Landbeck, Councilman Timothy Lindecamp, Councilman Melvin Taylor

Nays: None

Oath of Office:

The Mayor administered the Oath of Office for the Planning Commission to Mark Schlottman for a term of 5 years, retroactive from 2017 and expiring June 30, 2022.

N) Updates From City Manager And Staff

N.1 City Manager Briefing

The City Manager informed the Council regarding Senior Center repairs, community job opportunities, the Parks and Recreation shed at North Deen, the opioid abuse arena, and the Middelton Road project.

N.2 Authorization to Execute Letter of Intent for Sale of City Property


The City Manager requested authorization to sign a Letter of Intent - Offer to Purchase, signed by the developer, to acquire the 34 +/- acres of City-owned property located behind the Summerlin Apartments, at the end of Nonparrel Road, Aberdeen. Council discussion followed.

A motion was made by Councilman Taylor and seconded by Councilman Goodin to authorize the City Manager to sign the Letter of Intent for Sale of City Property. The motion carried by a vote of 5 – yes; 0 – no.

Ayes: Mayor Patrick McGrady, Councilman Steven Goodin, Councilwoman Sandra Landbeck, Councilman Timothy Lindecamp, Councilman Melvin Taylor

Nays: None

N.3 TB3 LLC Façade Improvement Application for 126 N. Philadelphia Boulevard (Review and Approval of Application)

TB3 LLC.pdf

A motion was made by Councilman Taylor and seconded by Councilwoman Landbeck to approve TB3 LLC Façade Improvement Application for 126 N. Philadelphia Boulevard. The motion carried by a vote of 5 – yes; 0 – no.

Ayes: Mayor Patrick McGrady, Councilman Steven Goodin, Councilwoman Sandra Landbeck, Councilman Timothy Lindecamp, Councilman Melvin Taylor

Nays: None

N.4 2019 Prioritized Paving List

FY 2019 Paving Priority List.pdf

2019 Street Program Map.pdf

Mr. Torster provided recommendations for the 2019 paving priorities list. He asked for Council feedback and concurrence on the list.

N.5 2017 Local Government Ethics Law Annual Certification

2017 Local Government Ethics Law Annual Certification.pdf

The City Manager reported that City of Aberdeen had met the State's Ethics Commission requirements for 2017.

O) Public Comment

Mark Schlottman, Mt. Royal Avenue: Mr. Schlottman thanked the Council for his reappointment to the Planning Commission. He commented on Resolution No. 18-R-03 and asked them to withdraw it.

Robert Hartman, Paradise Road: Mr. Hartman commented on the new businesses coming to Aberdeen, the sale of City-owned property, and the oath-taking process.

P) Business Of Mayor And Council

Councilman Lindecamp asked the City Manager about the replacement of lights at Ripken Stadium. The City Manager explained that this was listed in the plans for mediation. Councilwoman Landbeck expressed her appreciation to the Council and staff. Councilman Goodin reported on the loss of a public servant. Councilman Lindecamp commented on the Huntley Sports Group agreement and traffic sign issues. The Mayor discussed the complicated process of opening a business.

Q) Announcements

The Mayor made the following announcements:

• Planning Commission Meeting, Wednesday, August 8, 7:00 p.m., Council Chambers;

• Community Policing Day along with Bass Masters Elite Fishing Tournament Weigh-in on Saturday,July 28, 2018, 12:00-4:00 p.m., Ripken Stadium;

• Home Runs for the Homeless, August 28, 8:00 a.m. -5:30 p.m., Ripken Stadium;

• Council Meeting, Monday, August 13, 7:00 p.m., Council Chambers;

• Council Meeting, Monday, August 27, 7:00 p.m., Council Chambers;

• Work Session, Monday, August 27, 5:30 p.m., 2nd floor administrative conference room (tentative);

• Cone with a Cop, APD & Aberdeen Chick-fil-A, Tuesday, July 24 and August 21, 2:30-3:30 p.m., ages pre-K to 12th grade;

• Aberdeen Farmer's Market, Thursdays, May-October, 4:00-7:00 p.m., Festival Park;

• Guns and Hoses, September 22, Ripken Stadium.

R) Closed Meeting - No closed meeting was held.

S) Adjournment

Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:19 p.m.




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