
Harford News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Harford News Development Advisory Committee met August 1.

Webp meeting 02

Harford News Development Advisory Committee met August 1.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

The meeting was chaired by Moe Davenport, Department of Planning and Zoning.

The following members were in attendance:

Moe Davenpor, Chairman, DAC

Robin Wales Department of Emergency Services

Len Walinski Health Department

John Resline Health Department

Daryl Ivins DPW Water & Sewer

Mike Rist DPW Engineering

Deputy Ciambruschini Sheriff’s Office

Rich Zeller State Highway Administration

Eric Vacek Planner, Development Review

Jen Wilson Planner, Development Review

Also in attendance:

Wayne Thibeault Bob Wilson

Michael Leaf Paul Muddiman

Tommie Keyser John Gessner

Ann Keyser Rosa Simmons

Webster, Wright Bill Simmons

Rosa Simmons Morgan Rickey

Linda Rickey Jake Adler

Ashley McMahan JoWanda Strickland-Lucas

Annette Maurits

Moe Davenport, of the Department of Planning and Zoning, welcomed everyone to the meeting. He explained there is one plan on the agenda. Mr. Davenport explained that a brief presentation will be given by the consultant for the project. The DAC members will give their comments on the project. The meeting will then be opened up for anyone in attendance that may have questions or comments. If anyone has questions that are not answered, there are information request forms that can be filled out and submitted to the Department of Planning and Zoning and they will be responded to in writing. There is an attendance sheet circulating for everyone to sign. If a correct address is given, a copy of the minutes will be mailed or e-mailed. The minutes are recorded and will also be published to the Department of Planning and Zoning’s website.

Verbatim Transcript

Bob Wilson with Wilson Deegan & Associates presented the plan:

Good morning. My name is Bob Wilson and I’m with Wilson Deegan & Associates. The plan we are proposing is a wedding event venue which is located on a farm owned by Brian Baker at 914 Walters Mill Road. It is three tracts totaling about 137 acres. It is located 1,600 feet from the road. It is actually not visible from Walters Mill Road. The facility itself is a renovation inside an existing barn/storage building of about 4,200 sf. With that I will turn it over to you for comments.

Robin Wales – Department of Emergency Services

I have a couple of questions on the existing farm house. Will there be anyone living in the residence?

Bob Wilson – No, strictly for use for a wedding event.

Robin Wales - Will there be anyone staying overnight in the residence?

Bob Wilson – No.

Robin Wales - The reason being, is to give the banquet facility and the farm house 2 separate addresses. I will work with the planner on addressing if need to be. What will be stored in storage?

Bob Wilson - Farm equipment and stuff used on the farm.

Robin Wales - Please display the address with 6”- 8” numbers and letters at the end of the driveway or a size that is clearly visible from Walters Mill Road for Emergency Responders.

John Resline – Health Department

This plan proposes a wedding venue/banquet facility and storage on 137.663 acres. The proposed structures will be serviced by a well and an on-site disposal system (OSDS). Soil percolation testing was conducted on June 1, 2018. At this time the plan as submitted cannot be approved. In order for the HCHD to continue its review, the below requested information must be submitted:

1. All percolation test holes evaluated on June 1, 2018 must be field located on the plan.

2. The proposed banquet facility is seen as potentially generating 4,000 gallons of waste water per day. A septic area must be defined on the plan which is large enough for an initial system and two repairs. Each system would require 593 feet of trench. Pretreatment will be expected in the septic system design according to Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR) unless you are able to demonstrate the strength of the waste generated at the facility is equal to the strength of typical domestic sewage.

3. The existing house will be available before and after events according to information submitted to the HCHD on June 22, 2018. Limited file information is available regarding the location of the subsurface disposal area of the existing house septic system. However, it appears likely to be encroaching upon the set-backs required by COMAR for springs and water bodies not serving as a potable water supply. As a result, a sewer line needs to be shown on the plan to connect the existing house to the proposed commercial sewage disposal system for the banquet facility. Once a Sanitary Construction Permit is issued for the proposed commercial sewage disposal system, the existing house septic tank needs to be pumped and properly abandoned with documentation submitted to the HCHD.

4. Based on the proposed use indicated on the plan, this water supply will be designated as a public water system known as a Transient Non-Community Water System. No records are available on the existing water supply and it is located down gradient from the proposed subsurface disposal area for the banquet facility. As a result, a new water supply well location must be proposed on the plan for review and approval. Prior to the issuance of a building permit application, a new water supply well will need to be permitted, constructed, and reviewed. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, all structures providing water to the public must be connected to newly installed water supply well, and the well must complete the testing required in order to obtain a Certificate of Potability.

5. According to HCHD records, it appears that an unused hand dug well is located on the property possibly inside the building identified on the plan as the “Spring House” or in the vicinity of the existing house. This will need to be investigated further. All unused wells need to be shown on the plan. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, all unused wells must be properly abandoned according to COMAR and documented by the submission of Well Abandonment Report to the HCHD. Upon receipt of the above information, this office will update our comments.

Mike Rist – DPW Engineering

1. Sediment control and stormwater management must be addressed if land disturbing activities exceed 5000 s.f.

2. A commercial access permit is required for the site.

3. Site entrances shall have adequate sight distance for a 35 mph design speed.

4. The entrance width shall be 25’ with 25’ minimum radii.

5. A traffic impact analysis has been submitted for review. Comments are being forwarded to Planning and Zoning.

Deputy Ciambruschini - Sheriff’s Office

No comment.

Rich Zeller – State Highway Administration

The MDOT SHA has no objection to Site Plan approval as proposed access to this site will be from a county road. The MDOT SHA has also reviewed the traffic impact study prepared for this development and granted approval on July 18, 2018.

Jen Wilson – Planner

1. This property is subject to a Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation easement that restricts the development of this parcel. The Department shall receive confirmation from MALPF that all requirements have been met prior to Site

Plan approval.

2. A Landscape Plan has been submitted. If lighting is proposed in the future, a lighting plan shall be submitted to the Department of Planning and Zoning for review and approval. Lighting shall be designed and controlled so that any light shall be shaded, shielded or directed so that the light intensity or brightness does not adversely affect the adjacent property.

3. A Traffic Impact Analysis has been submitted and is currently under review. Additional comments may be forthcoming following the completion of that review.

Public Comments –

Gary Simmons – I am just wondering about a curfew for the noise?

Moe Davenport – Ag Commercial is supposed to be over by 10:00 pm under the county code.

Paul Muddiman with Morris & Ritchie presented the plan:

Good morning. My name is Paul Muddiman and I’m with Morris & Ritchie Associates. With me today is Web Wright representing 88 Acres LLC & Howard Properties. I’m here today to present the Preliminary Plan and Site Plan for Tower Logistic Center. It is a total of 99 acres zoned GI, General Industrial and CI, Commercial Industrial, located at 1219 South

Philadelphia Blvd. The property is located along Route 40 between Old Stepney Road and Old Philadelphia Road. CIM was held on May 22, 2018 at the Abingdon Fire Company. Previous submittals included Preliminary Plan and a Site Plan. FSD was approved on 7/24; Forest Conservation Plan; Landscape and Lighting Plan. Stormwater Concept plan on the TIA was prepared by Traffic Concepts was also submitted. A scoping meeting was held in January 2018. The first plan that I’m going to present today and I will follow up with the Site Plan after the Preliminary Plan is the Preliminary Plan for subdivision. The Preliminary Plan totals 99 acres of four parcels. Parcels 123, 178, 183 & 292 as shown on Tax Map 58. Two lots will be subdivided from the 99 acres. Lot 1 will be 96.92 acres and subject to the Site Plan. Lot 2 will include 2.2 acres and will subject to a future site plan. I will now move to the rendered Site Plan. The Site Plan is for Lot 1 and pretty much the entire site except for this parcel along Route 40/US 40 that is known as Lot 2. Lot 1 is 97 acres. The end user is not known at this time. What we are proposing is an 860,000 sf warehouse as outlined in the orange. I have loading docks on both sides; the north side and the south side which are directed away from the residential homes along Old Stepney Road. Access will be on two locations; a right in and right out on US Route 40; and a second location at Old Stepney Road. We have scheduled a meeting with State Highway and Harford County to talk about the access points and our first meeting is actually later today to talk about the details of those locations. Parking is provided for 715 employees and that is in this location as well as on the ends of each side of the building. We have 215 trailer storage spaces on both the north and south side of the building. The east and south borders of the property features wetlands, that is this area here and forest. The wetlands have been delineated by GTA and also field located. There is a 30’ landscape buffer type D required along the residential zone boundary. We plan on keeping the existing vegetation along the residential boundary in addition to required buffer we plan to build a berm along the backs of the residential properties and landscape that area for additional buffer and additional screening. The closest point of the building to the residential property along Old Stepney is 300 feet. There is a 50’use setback required and our closest point of development is 65’. The building height is proposed at its peak to be 60 feet. Maximum building coverage allowed is 60%; this plan proposes 20%. The maximum impervious coverage allowed is 90%; this proposes 43%. Listing forest area is 33.4 acres and we plan to clear 5.7 acres leaving 27 acres of forest. Public sewer will be done to serve lots 1 and 2 as well as the properties to the north. There is an existing sewer main on the south side of the property that was built years ago under contract 9680. We plan to extend the sanitary from that contract. Water connection will be made near the water tank into the building. The water meter will be place inside the building. All of the water and sewer on site will be private. That concludes my presentation.

Robin Wales – Department of Emergency Services

On the preliminary plan, lot 1 will be addressed #1225 S. Philadelphia Blvd (US 40) or #1405 Old Stepney Rd. Lot 2 can remain #1219 S. Philadelphia Blvd (US 40). These addresses will work if displayed properly, available, and approved by planning & zoning.

“Public safety wireless radio communications inside a building is essential to the safety of those occupying the structure as well as fire, law enforcement and emergency medical providers responding to a call for help. Buildings that are greater than 5,000 square feet, higher than 50 feet, contain underground storage or parking and are constructed of materials that impede wireless radio signals that may adversely affect the response of public safety providers. Please consider including wiring, electrical connections and other infrastructure that may be needed for an in-building 800 MHz amplifier. Department of Emergency Services will test coverage in your facility once construction is finished. Call 410- 638-4900 for this assistance.”

The proposed building must display 10” – 12” address numbers and letters. The address and must be clearly visible upon entry off S Philadelphia Blvd (US 40) and Stepney Rd for Emergency Responders.

Emergency Services must have a list of at least 3 (three) emergency contacts for notification, response, and securing purposes if the facilities are not in operation 24 hours a day. Please advise if the facility will have Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Cameras. If so, please comment on Emergency Service’s ability to access the camera feeds or provide a point of contact to comment on this matter. DES will follow up after use & occupancy permit approved.

Len Walinski – Health Department


This plan proposes to combine multiple parcels to create two (2) lots. Lots 1 and 2 will be serviced by public water and sewer.

Additional comments will be forthcoming upon review of the site plan.

The final plat must bear the standard owner’s statement and the master plan conformance statement.


This plan proposes to construct an 860,000 sq. ft. warehouse distribution building. The site will be serviced by public water and sewer.

If the site will be used for the warehousing, distribution, packaging or processing of food or food products, review will be required by the Maryland Department of Health (MDH), Division of Food Control. If there are any questions regarding this review, please contact Ms. Gwendolyn John at


If a break room, cafeteria, or the retail sales of food is planned, the Health Department will require a letter stating any intentions for food availability. Based on these intentions, further review by the Health Department’s Consumer Protection Division may be required. Any questions regarding food sales or service may be directed to Justin Waszkiewicz who may be reached at 410-877-2309

The owner/developer is reminded that during the development of this project when soil moisture conditions are low, measures must be implemented to prevent the generation of dust until a permanent vegetative cover is established and all paving is completed.

Additional comments from this office will be provided at the time of the building permit or tenant/occupancy permit. It is the responsibility of the owner/operator to be aware of any regulatory requirements for the proposed use and for obtaining appropriate permits.

Mike Rist – DPW Engineering

1. A sediment control plan and a grading permit will be required for the development of this site. Sediment controls are to be designed to the specifications as set forth in the Maryland Standards for Erosion and Sediment Control, latest edition.

2. Stormwater Management must be provided in accordance with the 2000 Design Manual as amended by Supplement 1.

3. A stormwater management concept plan has been submitted for review and must be approved prior to preliminary plan approval. Comments must be addressed on subsequent stormwater plan submittals

4. The final stormwater management plan shall be approved prior to the issuance of a grading permit. A stormwater management permit is required prior to the issuance of a building permit.

5. Maintenance of the stormwater management facility (facilities) is (are) the responsibility of the lot owner (s).

6. All pavement striping and traffic control signs shall conform to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices and State Highway Administration Supplement.

7. Truck access to Stepney Road is restricted. Alternative access configurations must be investigated by the Engineer.

8. A traffic impact analysis has been submitted for review. Comments are being forwarded to Planning and Zoning.

Daryl Ivins – DPW Water & Sewer

Preliminary Plan

* If another series of this plan is required by another agency, the water service configuration and the described easements must be shown on the next series.

The following comments shall be included as conditions of Preliminary Plan approval for the above-described project:

Water service for this project shall be obtained in the following manner: A new 16-inch main shall be extended from the existing 16-inch main in Route 40 in a southwesterly direction adjacent to Old Stepney Road in an easement, to a point near the proposed entrance to the site. The easement for the water main adjacent to Old Stepney Road shall extend across the entire frontage of the property. The main shall also be interconnected with the existing 8- inch main in Old Stepney Road. A public fire hydrant shall be installed adjacent to this entrance. The service line to the building may connect to the new 16-inch main at the most appropriate location. A sketch provided directly to the engineer with these comments shows the proposed configuration in more detail. Water valve layout in this area is critical and is also shown on the aforementioned sketch.

The water metering equipment shall be placed inside the building.

A thirty foot wide easement for a public sewer main shall be placed along the common lot line between lots 1 and 2 for a future extension to serve adjacent properties. Ten feet of the easement shall be located on Lot 1 and twenty feet of the easement shall be located on Lot

2. This easement shall also extend across the entrance road and through other lands of the developer’s property to allow future gravity sewer service to adjacent parcels. When Lot 2 is developed, the public sewer main shall be extended in the aforementioned easement. The Division of Water and Sewer suggests that the public sewer main be extended across the entrance road as part of this development to avoid cutting the main entrance road in the future.

A thirty foot wide easement shall also be extended towards Route 7 in a northeasterly direction from the terminus of the proposed sewer main shown on this plan. The easement in this area must be configured to allow each of the lots along Route 40 access to the public sewer main.

The engineer must size the storm drain system near the Stepney Tank during the final design to verify that it will have adequate capacity to handle any unexpected tank overflows.

Easements must be provided adjacent to the water tank site to allow the County to extend the overflow pipe from the tank site into the storm drain system. A minimum of a forty foot wide easement must be provided around the perimeter of the tank property for tank maintenance. The final configuration of the easements will be determined during the preparation of the site and storm drain construction drawings.

All outfalls from stormwater management ponds must be extended across the sanitary sewer easements.

The final design of the sanitary sewer shall keep the sewer main as far as possible from the embankment of the access road at the southeastern corner of the building.

When the mobile home park is eventually connected to the public sewer system, public sewer must be extended to serve the various parcels that make up the park.

On the final plat, ingress/egress easements shall be established to allow the Division of Water and Sewer maintenance access to the public sewer main.

This property on which this project is proposed is currently in the W-5/S-5 category in the Water and Sewer Master Plan. It is the property owner/developer’s responsibility to request in writing to the Division of Water and Sewer to have the category designation revised to the W-3/S-3 category. To effect this change, a public hearing must be held in front of the Harford County Council, and the council must decide to approve this request. The water and sewer category designation must be revised to W-3/S-3 before water and sewer construction drawings for the project may be approved. The water and sewer construction drawings must be approved before a subdivision plat may be recorded for the project.

The contract numbers for this project are 19994 for water and 19995 for sewer. The numbers shall be placed on the utility construction drawings before their initial submittal to the county for review.

A Public Works Utility Agreement (PWUA) is required for the construction of the public water and/or sewer mains associated with this project prior to the issuance of a building permit. It is the developer’s/owner’s or their representative’s responsibility to contact the Division of Water and Sewer, Permits Review Supervisor at 410-638-3300 to request the preparation of the PWUA concurrent or following the submittal of the water and sewer contract drawings for this project.

Site Plan

* If another series of this plan is required by another agency, the water service configuration and the described easements must be shown on the next series.

The following comments shall be included as conditions of Site Plan approval for the abovedescribed project:

Water service for this project shall be obtained in the following manner: A new 16-inch main shall be extended from the existing 16-inch main in Route 40 in a southwesterly direction adjacent to Old Stepney Road in an easement, to a point near the proposed entrance to the site. The easement for the water main adjacent to Old Stepney Road shall extend across the entire frontage of the property. The main shall also be interconnected with the existing 8- inch main in Old Stepney Road. A public fire hydrant shall be installed adjacent to this entrance. The service line to the building may connect to the new 16-inch main at the most appropriate location. A sketch provided directly to the engineer with these comments shows the proposed configuration in more detail. Water valve layout in this area is critical and is also shown on the aforementioned sketch.

The water metering equipment shall be placed inside the building.

A thirty foot wide easement for a public sewer main shall be placed along the common lot line between lots 1 and 2 for a future extension to serve adjacent properties. Ten feet of the easement shall be located on Lot 1 and twenty feet of the easement shall be located on Lot

2. This easement shall also extend across the entrance road and through other lands of the developer’s property to allow future gravity sewer service to adjacent parcels. When Lot 2 is developed, the public sewer main shall be extended in the aforementioned easement. The Division of Water and Sewer suggests that the public sewer main be extended across the entrance road as part of this development to avoid cutting the main entrance road in the future.

The engineer must size the storm drain system near the Stepney Tank during the final design to verify that it will have adequate capacity to handle any unexpected tank overflows.

Easements must be provided adjacent to the water tank site to allow the County to extend the overflow pipe from the tank site into the storm drain system. A minimum of a forty foot wide easement must be provided around the perimeter of the tank property for tank maintenance. The final configuration of the easements will be determined during the preparation of the site and storm drain construction drawings.

All outfalls from stormwater management ponds must be extended sewer easements.

The final design of the sanitary sewer shall keep the sewer main as far as possible from the embankment of the access road at the southeastern corner of the building.

On the final plat, ingress/egress easements shall be established to allow the Division of Water and Sewer maintenance access to the public sewer main.

This property on which this project is proposed is currently in the W-5/S-5 category in the Water and Sewer Master Plan. It is the property owner/developer’s responsibility to request in writing to the Division of Water and Sewer to have the category designation revised to the W-3/S-3 category. To effect this change, a public hearing must be held in front of the Harford County Council, and the council must decide to approve this request. The water and sewer category designation must be revised to W-3/S-3 before water and sewer construction drawings for the project may be approved. The water and sewer construction drawings must be approved before a subdivision plat may be recorded for the project.

A building permit cannot be issued until the public utilities are either operational or bonded for construction.

Any sewer cleanouts that are located within the paved area shall be installed using the County cleanout in paving detail S-28. The detail shall be shown on the utility plan and referenced on the plan and/or profile drawing.

A Commercial Service Application must be completed by the owner and approved by Harford County before a building permit will be issued for this project. Contact the Division of Water and Sewer Administration and Permitting Section at 410-638-3300 for additional information.

The construction contract numbers for the existing utilities shall be shown on the drawing submitted with the Commercial Application.

Deputy Ciambruschini - Sheriff’s Office

No comment.

Rich Zeller – State Highway Administration

Preliminary Plan

The MDOT SHA has no objection to preliminary plan approval as the existing right-of-way on

US 40 is adequate to accommodate our future widening needs.

Site Plan

An access permit will be required for entrance and road improvement on US 40 for this development. The MDOT SHA is currently reviewing the traffic impact study (TIS) that was prepared for this development. When comments become available they will be forwarded to all interested parties. The MDOT SHA will defer comments regarding specific requirements for entrance and road improvements until our review of the TIS is complete. We request that the county withhold approval of the site plan until an entrance location and required road improvements have been established. As Paul mentioned we will be meeting this afternoon for discussion regarding access to both Old Stepney Road and US 40.

Eric Vacek – Planner

This property is currently zoned CI, GI and R2 and is approximately 99.1 acres. The Preliminary Plan was submitted concurrent with the Site Plan. The Preliminary Plan proposed to consolidate multiple existing parcels of record to create the two lots. The Department of Planning & Zoning shall require that the lots be recorded prior to a building application. Site Plan proposes to construct an 860,000 +/- sf warehouse distribution center. As noted Forest Stand Delineation was approved by the department. Forest Conservation Plan is currently under review. We note that lot 2 is located or proposed lot 2 is located in the Chesapeake Science & Security Corridor in the overlay district. Future development or re-development shall be subject to that section of the Harford County Code. A traffic impact analysis was submitted to the county and is currently under review. Questions may be directed to Mr. Alex Rawls. Landscape and lighting plan was submitted for review to the Department of Planning & Zoning. The department shall require additional landscape plantings at the proposed access points specifically, also, along the western area of the site adjacent to the existing residences. The department would like to see a revised series of that as the plan continues to develop. Photometric plan was also submitted to the Department of Planning & Zoning. We would ask that the lighting be designed and controlled so that any light shall be shaded, shielded or directed so that light intensity or brightness does not adversely impact or affect the adjacent property owners. All proposed signage shall conform to the sign code and shall require permits from the Department of Planning & Zoning. All appropriate roads for ingress and egress shall also be clearly delineated by the final plat.

Public Comments –

JoWanda Strickland-Lucas– My name is JoWanda Strickland-Lucas and I live at 1421 Old Stepney Road. I have a question. Is it ok if I ask somebody to record my comments? I haven’t recorded anything yet today.

Moe Davenport – We record today’s meeting.

JoWanda Strickland-Lucas– Oh, you do. But, is it a visual?

Moe Davenport – No

JoWanda Strickland-Lucas – Do you mind? Is it allowed?

Moe Davenport – I don’t have any prohibition to it.

JoWanda Strickland-Lucas – I have not previously reviewed any of the site plans but what I do want to point out is just a couple things based on the comments that I heard today. First of all, I have lived at 1421 Old Stepney Road, which is this property right here and I don’t know if everyone can see?

Moe Davenport – I’ve located it, JoWanda.

JoWanda Strickland-Lucas – Ok, I’m right here. This is Old Stepney Road. Old Stepney Road does not have the support to handle trucks and all coming on to Old Stepney Road as it exists. The County would need to do something. When this project was first rezoned the county came in and resurfaced the road and made it look good but, the cracks that go from across my property and the properties all the way down the road, due to the underground streams and different things that do exist up and down Old Stepney Road, came right back. It’s has always been a constant battle in order to deal with the water issues. My next door neighbor the Hunters have a pool of water that stands and the county and they have not been able to figure out where this water comes from but it has to do with the water mains that you are getting ready to tap into again. It goes all the way down the street. The other thing is that when it rains this whole field right behind me here becomes swamp land almost. There is an area that consistently has the greenery around it where it remains wet even in the hot weather. I recently heard about in the area where it was built something like this and in years in the future it fell through. So, the impervious 90%, which is allowed, this would not support this and covering this whole area it’s not going to last. So, it is an injustice to those who are doing it because, if the land can’t hold that existing road how is this going to stand as well. Now, coming in from Route 40 you have Route 7 down here and Spescutia Road further down and you have Bata on 40. There is a stop light at Bata. There is a stop light at Spescutia Road which is right here and then you have a stop light here. Already traffic issues, already hard ship for here and for Spescutia Road residents but, yet you are going to have trucks coming into a narrow road that can’t support it as it is. Spescutia Road is not a good alternative because you already have issues with the trucks. So, this corner that does meet Route 40 is not owned by this property. This corner has been a problem so taking away this corner would be impacting the people who own the property that is right here. The Wright property starts further down right at the corner. You cannot even keep a sign for Old Stepney Road here because, the trucks come and they cut off here. That’s not Wright property they cut it off. Here they turn in and they knock over the ditches that are dug by the tire tracks from the trucks trying to turn in on Old Stepney Road are always there, it is always evident. So, this is not something that is of choice. If there was another entrance somewhere else, for the traffic issue, then that might be something but, this coming in from Route 40, this does not work now with the trucks trying to go further into Perrywood. The other thing we were talking about the sewage that is down on this area. The Perrywood Garden Apartments have had an issue with sewage leakage and different things for years. Friends of Harford have been on that property in order to test the water going into the Cranberry Run and it has had sewage in it. These things have not been properly addressed as it is. Not only the impact on the residents from Old Stepney Road. It just doesn’t impact these residents it will impact all around. And, there are a lot of residents here even though the county has allowed it to be zoned what it is. I have a question about the noise. There is a

noise maintenance if at night if this warehouse is open at night and you are doing calls out to different areas then how is that going to be impacting the noise maintenance laws in Harford County because, you have older people who live on this road. These folks here are over 70 or 80 years old. The Hunters, she is over 55 now, well she is 60. I’m 62. Earl is 77. Going on down the line you have a lot of elderly people who live on this road so, the thing is so how long is this lasting and how will that be controlled? We do have people that call you every day regarding the noise. Just to consider the basic things here. I would like to find out where I can go in order to address and have additional comments to get the report and to have comments regarding the reports as they are done before the final decisions go out. I would like to be able to have that information and the other thing is that at the Community Input Meeting the one that was held in Abingdon ok you have a fire house in Perryman, you have Clorox that facilitates community meetings that meeting was held in Abingdon which was not really accessible to the community. The other thing is that the sign that is here the one where you can barely see the writing on is for the main meeting. The other one has been face down since it was put up. It was put it, it fell over, it was called in, it was put up and it was knocked down as well as the sign for the Rite Aid hiring and they were in the cornfield and there is over growth. I think there are some community members that did want to come but not at 9 o’clock on a work day. There are some people who have not been able to get here because like I said it affects the entire community. Moe Davenport – Thank you, JoWanda. I will try to address some of or most of your issues. We share your issues in regards to traffic distribution and Old Stepney Road. We certainly don’t want to allow trucks or encourage trucks to use Old Stepney Road. It is inadequate. We also have State Highway that shares your concerns about how this is going to function and how the distribution of trucks are going to come in and out of here. Those questions have not been answered at this point to our satisfaction and we are working to resolve those issues and come up with some options and alternatives so that they function properly and that it is not detrimental to Old Stepney Road and those other roads surrounding the property.

JoWanda Strickland-Lucas – I have one more thing, suggestion that had been mentioned to me is additional buffers instead of bringing it that far down towards Old Stepney Road maybe to push it further the other way and have additional buffers and maybe to enhance something; have an enhancement to the community there. Maybe some of those discussions can be held.

Moe Davenport – Our comments; Mr. Vacek you may not have heard but we have requested additional landscaping and buffers behind your property and behind your neighbors properties in that location. And, they are proposing a berm and we have asked for additional landscaping in that area. The other question you had about contacts. You can contact myself or Mr. Vacek. This is our last plan on the agenda today so, we will remain after if you need our contact information but, it is on our web pages. You can also follow-up with us with regards to additional plans that are submitted to us. We can go over and spend some time with you if there are additional questions you may have.

JoWanda Strickland-Lucas – Ok, thank you.

Annette Maurits – I don’t live over there but, I seem to spend an awful lot of time over there. When they came in and took the black top off put down the gravel and came in and painted a new yellow line. It look gorgeous but, I’d suggest all of you go over there and drive Old Stepney because the yellow line goes up and down and it goes this way and it goes that way and each one of those places where it changes is water that runs underneath the road. Every time it rains and even for a long time after; we had this drought; there is water in the front yards. When it comes to mowing, they can’t mow. The road itself is only the width of two cars. To think of an 18 wheeler going down there it would take up the whole road.

Moe Davenport – We certainly do not want to encourage 18 wheelers going in that direction.

Annette Maurits – I don’t either.

Moe Davenport – Thank you, Annette. If there are no further questions that will conclude our meeting for today.

Meeting adjourned at 9:40 am.




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