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Havre De Grace Council met June 18.

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Havre De Grace Council met June 18.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:

Mayor Martin called a public hearing to order at 7:00 p.m with Council Member’s Glenn, Ringsaker, Martin, Worrell and Robertson present. Council Member Tomarchio is absent for this meeting.

Ms. Bridgette Johnson of Bridgeline Solutions provided a power point presentation giving an overview of the transfer of Revitalization and Development Loan (RAD) Program Funds to qualifying projects meeting the Maryland Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG)

A Resolution Of The Mayor And City Council Of Havre De Grace, Maryland Pursuant To The Local Government Article Of The Annotated Code Of Maryland And City Charter Sections 33 And 34 For The Purpose Of Converting The Balance Of Accumulated Funds In The Revitalization And Development (Rad) Revolving Loan Fund To Pre Approved Community Development Block Grant (Cdbg) Projects In The City Of Havre De Grace

Comments: Mr. Fred Wills: Based on the presentation, Mr. Wills asked if “are we an exempt county?” Ms. Johnson stated we have to apply for the money.

The regular meeting of the Mayor and City Council was called to order on June 18, 2018 at 7:14 p.m. with Mayor Martin presiding and the following Council Members Present: Council Member’s Glenn, Martin, Robertson, Worrell and Ringsaker. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Martin and the opening prayer was led by Rev James Snodgrass of St. John’s Episcopal Church. A motion was made by Council Member Martin and seconded by Council Member Ringsaker to approve the council meeting minutes of June 4, 2018. Under the question, Council President Glenn made a motion to renumber Resolution 2018-20 to the number 2018-10 and Resolution 2018-21 to the number 2018 -11. The new resolution that will be introduced tonight will be 2018-12. This is will be changed in the record management. Administratively the numbers were typographical error. Motion carries 5-0

Comments from citizens on agenda items:

Tyler Buck, Executive Director of the Lockhouse: 355 Congress Ave: endorsed the Arts, Wine and Jazz Fest and will be on site for support. Mike Hatem: 108 Market Street: expressed budget concerns such as Opera House revenue, Mayor Salary, Chief of Staff Salary, public relations budget and park funding.

Mayor Martin stated the City has seen a large make over, many projects are happening such as UCH Hospital, the new High School, purchase of Bulle Rock and the Chief of Staff is at the forefront of each project. Mayor Martin addressed the Chief of Staff Position vs the Director of Administration. The duties were explained, and Mayor Martin offered to send Mr. Hatem the job description.


Mr. Ron Browning of the Historic Preservation Commission and members of the commission gave an overview of each recipient of the Beautification Awards. Mayor Martin presented each homeowner with that City Flag. The addresses that were recognized are 110 Washington Street (Unable to attend), 800 Conesteo Street, 617 Market Street Ms. Darlene Messina

Community Rating Systems (CRS) Class and Upgrade Presentation. The City of Havre de Grace was presented with a plaque for upgrading to a Class 7. The City of Havre de Grace participates in programs and incentives which classifies us as above the standard in floodplain management.


Mr. Tom and Colleen Stein and “Protect the Paws- A K9 Cause” donated a bullet proof vest and an oxygen mask to K-9 Ikar.


A proclamation was presented to Mr. Don Osman- Havre de Grace’s Grand Marshal- 2018

Appointments: None

Oath of Office: None


A Resolution Of The Mayor And City Council Of Havre De Grace, Maryland Pursuant To The Local Government Article Of The Annotated Code Of Maryland And City Charter Sections 33 And 34 For The Purpose Of Converting The Balance Of Accumulated Funds In The Revitalization And Development (Rad) Revolving Loan Fund To Pre-Approved Community Development Block Grant (Cdbg) Projects In The City Of Havre De Grace

A motion was made by CP Glenn and seconded by CM Martin to introduce Resolution 2018-12; motion carries 5-0. After the header was read into the record and the rationale of the Resolution was explained, a motion was made by CP Glenn to adopt Resolution 2018-12; motion carries 5-0.


An Ordinance By The Mayor And City Council Of Havre De Grace, Maryland, Pursuant To The Authority Provided By The Maryland Constitution Article Xi-E, And The Annotated Code Of Maryland Local Government Article And City Charter Sections 33 And 34 Concerning An Addition To City Code Chapter 25 Titled Article Vlll Youth Commission

A motion was made by Council Member Robertson and seconded by Council Member Martin to introduce Ordinance 1005 on second reading, motion carries 5-0; under the question a motion was made by Council Member Robertson and seconded by Council Member Martin to amend the Ordinance with the following amendments:

Add the title of "Youth Member" for all members between the age of 13 and 17, and "MentorMember" for member 18 and older. This would replace the descriptions in several places. Under 'Organization and Members,' section 3.e.i; replace the word "Clergy" with "community organization."

Page 3, number 2; add "from one of its appointed Youth Members, with the mentorship of the Havre de Grace City Council Member" as the descriptor for who should be appointed chair. Item 6 under 'Duties and Powers;' strike "or" and add the word "and." So it reads "attend one City And County Council. under section 3.e.ii; strike "in addition to submitting three endorsement letters noted above." under section 3.a; add a subsection 'i' and in this subsection, include "Youth Member must be in the age range specified above at the time of appointment. Youth member will retain his or her commission until term has expired, barring extraneous circumstances, regardless of age at the end of term." This is to address whether the individual can continue to serve even though they age out during their term.

Ordinance 1005 as amended is adopted 5-0 on roll call vote.

An Ordinance By The Mayor And City Council Of Havre De Grace By The Authority Of The Local Government Article Of The Annotated Code Of Maryland And Section 37 Of The Havre De Grace City Charter For The Purpose Of Establishing The City Budget For Fiscal Year 2019, By Designating The Annual Projection Of Anticipated Revenues And Proposed Authorized Expenses For The City Of Havre De Grace For Fiscal Year 2019

A motion was made by Council Member Robertson and seconded by Council Member Worrell to introduce Ordinance 1006 on second reading. Motion carries 5-0 After the header was read into the record, a motion was made by Council Member Robertson and seconded by Council Member Worrell to adopt Ordinance 1006

Under the question, Council President Glenn made a motion to transfer funds from 01-1071-5001 to 01- 1071-5004 to eliminate the negative 600.00 line item.. Council Member Worrell seconds the motion.

Motion carries 5-0.

An Ordinance Of The Mayor And City Council Of The City Of Havre De Grace Pursuant To The Local Government And Land Use Articles Of The Annotated Code Of Maryland And City Charter Section 33 And 34 Amending The City Code Chapter 205: Zoning Article Vii. Rb Residential Business District, Article Ix. C Commercial District, And Table 1.

A motion was made by Council Member Ringsaker and seconded by Council President Glenn to introduce Ordinance 1007 on first reading. Motion carries 5-0 After the header was read into the record, and the rationale of the Ordinance was explained, a motion was made by Council Member Ringsaker and seconded by Council Member Robertson to adopt Ordinance 1007 on first reading. Motion carries 5-0 A public hearing is scheduled for July 2, 2018 at 7pm.

Old Business- None

New Business- Special Events

A motion was made by Council Member Worrell and seconded by Council Member Robertson to approve the 8th Annual Pet Blessing and Expo on 9/9/18 @Tydings Park; Motion carries 5-0

A motion was made by Council Member Worrell and seconded by Council Member Robertson to approve the Blessing by the Bay on 9/9/18 @ Hutchins Park; Motion carries 5-0

A motion was made by Council Member Robertson and seconded by Council Member Martin to approve the Arts, Wine and Jazz Fest- on 8/25/18 @ Lockhouse Museum; Motion carries 5-0

Directors Report:

Mr. Patrick Sypolt: Director of Administration

The Havre de Grace Youth Sailing Program summer sessions is underway at Hutchins Park. The Program is a nonprofit, community oriented sailing organization offering basic and competitive dinghy sailing instruction, maritime safety instruction and access to on the water personal development, confidence and character building opportunities for the youth in our region. For more information please visit their website at: hdgyouthsailing.org On Friday, June 22nd, the summer series of Concerts in the Park continues at Tydings Park. This Friday features Summer Knights show casing country music. The following Friday, June 29th , Big Wahu takes the stage, performing Caribbean music. All performances begin at 7:30 p.m. This is a free event as is all the concerts in the park and will continue every Friday evening; weather permitting, now through the end of July. The concert series is sponsored by the Havre de Grace Arts Commission.

On Saturday, June 23rd, the Lock House Museum is hosting the Havre de Grace Pirate Fest Family Day. Enjoy food, fun and family time with Pirate games, activities, music, contests and more. Win cool prizes, play with real pirates and mermaids, and enjoy hands-on maritime demonstrations. It’s swashbuckling fun for the whole family. The festivities begin at 11:00 a.m. and runs until 6:00. Adults are $10.00, children (4-12) $5.00, 3 and under free. Later that evening beginning at 6:00 p.m. and continuing until 10:00, the Lock House will continue it’s pirating ways in hosting a Pirate Dance Party. There will be great food by Coakley’s Pub, live music performed by Mark and Da Sharks to get your dance on, a Chinese auction, 50/50 raffle and more. Tickets are $60.00 per person and can be acquired by contacting Tyler Buck at: 410-939- 5780 or stop by Blue Heron Gifts on Franklin Street in beautiful downtown Havre de Grace. For more information please visit their website at: theLockhousemuseum.org or call 410-939-5780.The Farmers’ Market continues in fine fashion under the tent at Hutchins Park. They are open every Saturday, rain or shine, from now until the end of November, the market opens at 9:00 a.m. and runs until noon.

Ms. Dianne Klair: Planning Department

Ms. Klair announced a public service announcement:

This public service announcement is to alert residents about activity in the area of Juniata and Otsego Street and Union Ave. A contractor will be performing geotechnical borings for the planned railroad alignment through Havre de Grace starting the week of June 25th. This will take place largely between Juniata Street and Otsego/Union Avenue at the waterfront, but some will occur in the area of Lewis Lane. Many of these borings will be performed at night on the high-rail itself, when train traffic is reduced.

Mrs. Erika Quesenbery Sturgill: Director of Economic Development

The Havre de Grace Economic Development Advisory Board meets this Wednesday, June 20, at 4 p.m. here at City Hall. A presentation regarding tonight’s proceedings on the RAD Loan status will be given rather than a presentation by local business and discussion regarding appointments and expiring terms of current members will be discussed. The Harford County Growth Report of the Harford County office of Community and Economic Development will be launched with a publication preview and networking social Wednesday, June 27, from 4 to 6 p.m. at Humagalas, 16 Bel Air South Parkway, Bel Air. The event is sponsored by The Daily Record.

The Maryland Economic Development Association, MEDA, will host the Chesapeake Basic Economic Development Course in partnership with the International Economic Development Council, July 23 to 26 in Baltimore. The Director of Economic Development for the city of Havre de Grace, Erika Quesenbery graduated this program in 2009 and Contractor to Havre de Grace Economic Development Bridgette Johnson of BridgeLine Solutions graduated the program in 2007. Registration is now open for the five-day course.

The Havre de Grace Office of Economic Development is currently working directly with the Maryland Department of Commerce to respond to two Requests for Information from developer investors in the food and food product industry. Those responses will be received by Friday at COB.

Bill Price, Chair of the Havre de Grace Arts Collective and Executive Director Rebecca Jessop have announced that the city has earned a re-designation of the Havre de Grace Arts & Entertainment District. That district was also expanded through the tireless advocacy efforts of the Arts Collective to include Tydings Park, The Decoy Museu, Maritime Museum, HDG Colored School Museum and Lockhouse. This is particularly significant as this is a larger than normal A&E District for the State of Maryland.

Havre de Grace is one of 25 designated A&E Districts across Maryland in 15 counties and the designation itself is for a 10-year period with a lengthy annual reporting process and renewal application process. The A&E designation offers incentives to attract artists to invest and create and offers property tax credit for renovations or new construction in the district. There is also a tax abatement component and an income tax subtraction within the district, with these incentives and programs managed through the Havre de Grace Arts Collective. The Havre de Grace Alliance, a non-profit board of directors formed to promote business and businesses in Havre de Grace, has been shepherded by Pam Spelker for the past few years. Ms. Spelker has recently stepped down from this supervisory capacity. Recently the Alliance announced a new Executive Director for the organization when they introduced Bambi Johnson. The Havre de Grace Economic Development Advisory Board will, in future, invite Ms. Johnson to a future EDAB meeting, as well.

The Harford County Chamber of Commerce will hold their gavel exchange for the 2018-2019 Board of Directors, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Vandiver Inn, 301 S. Union Ave., Havre de Grace. Visit www.harfordchamber.org or call 410-838-2020 to register to attend. Tickets are $30 for members and $40 for prospective members.

Mr. George DeHority: Director of Finance

Mr. DeHority is pleased with the passage of the FY 19 Budget and thanked the Mayor and Council for diligence.

Mr. Tim Whittie: Director of Public Works

Mr. Whittie advised the water line project on Lafayette Street if moving forward quickly and the contractors are hoping to be completed by July 1. The pre-bid for the Water Treatment Plant is scheduled for Thursday, June 21, 2018.

Teresa Walter: Chief of Police

Chief Walter thanked everyone for supporting the Torch Run.

Chief Walter announced National Night will be held on August 7th.

Business from Mayor Martin:

Mayor Martin recapped tonight’s meeting and the importance of passing the budget. Stated this is the first time that all funds are solvent. The City is heading in the right direction, we are eliminating the debt service fee, repairing pipes that are over 100 years old and thanked the citizens for their patience. Mayor Martin commented on the stand alone daycares, which were prohibited in the code so we are updating the code to allow this. The Gold Star Memorial unveiling was a great event and thanked Johnny Boker and Craig Reeling. Mayor Martin reminded everyone about the Independence Day Festivities the weekend of June 30, July 1st.

Business from Council:

Council Member Robertson:

Council Member Robertson thanked Council for supporting the Youth Commission Ordinance and looks forward to getting this started.

Council Member Robertson also thanked Johnny Boker and Craig Reeling for leading the charge on the Gold Star Memorial.

Council Member Robertson reminded everyone about the patriot’s breakfast on June 30th from 8-11am at the community center.

Council Member Martin:

Council Member Martin complimented Johnny Boker and Craig Reeling for their leadership in the Gold Star Memorial unveiling.

Council Member Martin attended the MML conference and attended an opioid class. He believes with the City is on the right track with the current legislation Council passed at the last meeting.

Council Member Martin met with the MD Secretary of Transportation and they will support our efforts in acquiring electronic trolleys.

Council Member Martin wished Mr. Newby the best in his retirement.

Council Member Worrell:

Council Member Worrell attended the Gold Star Memorial.

Council Member Worrell congratulated the Chamber of Commerce in presenting the Economic

Development award to four businesses. Opera House, Smash Hits, Washington St. Books and Concord Point Coffee.

Council Member Worrell reminded everyone about early voting.

Council Member Ringsaker:

Council Member Ringsaker thanked Johnny Boker and Craig Reeling and thanked the youth for leading the Pledge of Allegiance at the Gold Star Memorial.

Council Member Ringsaker encouraged everyone to attend the Lockhouse Pirate Fest.

Council Member Ringsaker also attended MML and was honored to be the Flag Bearer.

Council Member Tomarchio- Absent

Business from Council President:

Council President Glenn stated Mr. Don Osman is an outstanding choice for Grand Marshal, his volunteer spirit sets the tone for our City.

Commended the hard work and dedication put forth by Johnny Boker and Craig Reeling as they worked on the concept and execution of the Gold Star Memorial for our City.

Comments from Citizens:

Ms. Julie Runkhe- 311 Red Head Way: Would like everyone to come out for Pirate weekend.

Pastor Ron Taber: First Christian Church: 800 Giles Street: Saturday, June 30th, 5 pm, Bike & Build will be staying overnight at the church. This organization supports Habitat for Humanity.


A motion was made by Council President Glenn and seconded by Council Member Martin to adjourn at 9:31 p.m. Motion carries 5-0.



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