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City of Aberdeen Council met June 4.

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City of Aberdeen Council met June 4.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:

A) Call To Order

Mayor McGrady called the Council Meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. in the Council Chambers.

B) Roll Call

Present: Mayor Patrick McGrady

Councilman Steven Goodin

Councilwoman Sandra Landbeck

Councilman Timothy Lindecamp

Councilman Melvin Taylor

Also Present: Randy Robertson, City Manager; Phyllis Grover, Director of Planning and Community Development; Kyle Torster, Director of Public Works; Henry Trabert, Chief of Police; Opiribo Jack, Director of Finance; and, Monica Correll, City Clerk.

C) Opening Prayer

The opening prayer was delivered by Pastor Don Dove from Living Hope Presbyterian Church.

D) Pledge Of Allegiance To The Flag Of The United States Of America

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilman Timothy Lindecamp.

E) Approval Of Consent Agenda - None

F) Approval Of Minutes

F.1 Work Session on May 7, 2018

F.2 Closed Meeting on May 7, 2018

F.3 Work Session on May 21, 2018

F.4 Closed Meeting on May 21, 2018 during Work Session

F.5 Council Meeting on May 21, 2018

F.6 Closed Meeting on May 21, 2018 during Council Meeting

A motion was made by Councilman Melvin Taylor and seconded by Councilman Steven Goodin to approve the following minutes:

Work Session on May 7, 2018

Closed Meeting on May 7, 2018

Work Session on May 21, 2018

Closed Meeting on May 21, 2018 during Work Session

Council Meeting on May 21, 2018

Closed Meeting on May 21, 2018 during Council Meeting.

The motion carried by a vote of 5 – yes; 0 – no.

Ayes: Mayor Patrick McGrady, Councilman Steven Goodin, Councilwoman Sandra Landbeck, Councilman Timothy Lindecamp, Councilman Melvin Taylor

Nays: None

G) Statement Of Closed Meeting

G.1 Statement of Closed Meeting for May 21, 2018 Work Session

Statement of Closed Meeting for May 21, 2018 Council Meeting

The Mayor read the following into the record:

Statement of Closed Meeting for May 21, 2018 during Work Session-

On Monday, May 21, 2018, the Mayor and Council held a Work Session in the second floor administrative conference room at 5:30 p.m. All members voted by roll call in the affirmative to close the meeting. At approximately 5:35 p.m., a closed meeting was convened by the Mayor and Council in the same room. Members present were: Mayor Patrick McGrady, Councilman Steven Goodin, Councilwoman Sandra Landbeck, Councilman Timothy Lindecamp, and Councilman Melvin Taylor. Also in attendance were: Randy Robertson, City Manager; Phyllis Grover, Director of Planning and Community Development; Kyle Torster, Director of Public Works; Parley Hess, Assistant City Engineer; Shawn Donald, Recording Secretary; and four guests.

The meeting was held pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, Statutory Authority Md. Code Annotated, General Provisions Article § 3-305(b): (14) before a contract is awarded or bids are opened, to discuss a matter directly related to a negotiating strategy or the contents of a bid or proposal, if public discussion or disclosure would adversely impact the ability of the public body to participate in the competitive bidding or proposal process. The topic under citation (14) was Middelton Road for the purpose of contract discussions.

The Council and staff conducted discussions on the topic with the four guests. No action was taken and the meeting was adjourned at approximately 6:59 p.m.

Statement of Closed Meeting for May 21, 2018 during Council Meeting-

On Monday, May 21, 2018, the Mayor and Council held a regularly scheduled Council Meeting in the Council Chambers at 7:00 p.m. All members voted by roll call in the affirmative to close the meeting. At approximately 8:03 p.m., a closed meeting was convened by the Mayor and Council in the second floor administrative conference room. Members present were: Mayor Patrick McGrady, Councilman Steven Goodin, Councilwoman Sandra Landbeck, Councilman Timothy Lindecamp, and Councilman Melvin Taylor. Also in attendance were: Randy Robertson, City Manager; Kyle Torster, Director of Public Works; Parley Hess, Assistant City Engineer; Shawn Donald, Recording Secretary; and a visiting lawyer.

The meeting was held pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, Statutory Authority Md. Code Annotated, General Provisions Article § 3-305(b): (7) to consult with counsel to obtain legal advice, and (14) before a contract is awarded or bids are opened, to discuss a matter directly related to a negotiating strategy or the contents of a bid or proposal, if public discussion or disclosure would adversely impact the ability of the public body to participate in the competitive bidding or proposal process. The topic under citation (7) was environmental for discussion of legal issues. The topic under citation (14) was a water contract for the purpose of contract discussion.

The Council and staff consulted the visiting lawyer on the topic under citation (7) from 8:03 p.m. - 8:45 p.m., at which time the visitor departed. Council discussion followed until 9:00 p.m. and no action was taken. The Council and staff then discussed the topic under citation (14) from 9:00 p.m. until 9:17 p.m. No action was taken and the meeting was adjourned at 9:17 p.m.

H) Presentations

H.1 Update from Senator Robert G. Cassilly, District 34, Harford County

Senator Cassilly of District 34 discussed the legislation session of the Maryland General Assembly held in Annapolis, MD. He highlighted matters concerning public safety, repeat offenders, victims’ rights, school safety resources, restoration of Highway User Revenues (HUR), healthcare funding, environmental funding, and the opioid crisis. He mentioned the positive influence from the Maryland Municipal League and Maryland Associations of Counties. The Senator also spoke favorably of the economy and that a structurally balanced budget was passed. There were grants and multiple benefits for the military and veterans that were approved. Taxes were not increased; business opportunities did increase. He extended appreciation to the Council and entire City staff and said it was a pleasure serving in the Maryland General Assembly.

H.2 State Highway Administration Update

State Highway Administration was invited to the meeting by Senator Cassilly. A representative reported on the remaining work remaining to be done on the Rt. 22 construction. The anticipated completion was mid-July to early August, contingent on the weather.

I) Public Hearings - None

J) Public Comment

Amy Jahnigen, Bel Air, MD: Ms. Jahnigen announced her candidacy for a local political office.

Peggy Norton, Cronin Drive: Ms. Norton attended and complimented the Community Listening Session at Aberdeen High School on May 31, 2018. She asked for action on the challenges. She also asked about maintenance and replacement for the recycling and trash containers. Mr. Robertson responded that the containers were insured and that there was a fee structure program and assessment associated with replacement.

Robert Hartman, Paradise Road: Mr. Hartman commented on Paradise Road traffic and the Community Listening Session.

John Bender, Vice President of the Aberdeen Fire Department: Mr. Bender made comments about and read a letter from the Aberdeen Volunteer Fire Department concerning the Community Listening Session held on May 31, 2018 at Aberdeen High School.

Darlene Robertson, Beards Hill Road: Ms. Robertson commented on the traffic lights on Post Road.

William R. Young, Doris Circle: Mr. Young commented on the impression made to the public by the number of closed meetings held by the Council. He also noted that there were a number of campaign announcements made during the public comment time during the Council Meetings.

Ruth Ann Young, Doris Circle: Ms. Young commented on the Listening Session and asked about the costs.

K) Legislative Session

K.1 Resolution No. 18-R-02, New Employee Residence Incentive Policy (For Adoption) [2nd meeting]

Councilman Lindecamp said that he would like the incentive to be offered to all employees and that he would consult the City Attorney for amending it. Councilwoman Landbeck asked for adjustment in terms. No action was taken.

K.2 Ordinance No. 18-O-15, Revision of City's Procurement Policy (For Introduction) (Sponsor/s needed)

The Mayor asked staff to produce the Procurement Policy line items changes by the next meeting. Councilwoman Landbeck and Councilman Taylor agreed to sponsor.

A motion was made by Councilwoman Sandra Landbeck and seconded by Councilman Melvin Taylor to introduce Ordinance No. 18-O-15, Revision of City's Procurement Policy.. The motion carried by a vote of 5 – yes; 0 – no.

Ayes: Mayor Patrick McGrady, Councilman Steven Goodin, Councilwoman Sandra Landbeck, Councilman Timothy Lindecamp, Councilman Melvin Taylor Nays: None

K.3 Ordinance No. 18-O-17, Amendments to City's Personnel Policy Manual (2) (For Introduction) (Sponsor/s needed)

Councilman Goodin and Councilman Lindecamp agreed to sponsor. Council discussion followed. Councilman Lindecamp said he would work with City Attorney before the next meeting in order to present amendment(s) concerning the employment of relatives.

A motion was made by Councilman Steven Goodin and seconded by Councilman Timothy Lindecamp to introduce Ordinance No. 18-O-17, Amendments to City's Personnel Policy Manual (2). The motion carried by a vote of 5 – yes; 0 – no.

Ayes: Mayor Patrick McGrady, Councilman Steven Goodin, Councilwoman Sandra Landbeck, Councilman Timothy Lindecamp, Councilman Melvin Taylor

Nays: None

K.4 Ordinance No. 18-O-18, Amendments to City's Personnel Policy Manual Sick Leave Provisions (For Introduction) (Sponsor/s needed)

Councilman Goodin and Councilwoman Landbeck agreed to sponsor. Council discussion followed. Councilman Lindecamp expressed concern whether the employees were properly informed.

A motion was made by Councilman Steven Goodin and seconded by Councilwoman Sandra Landbeck to introduce Ordinance No. 18-O-18, Amendments to City's Personnel Policy Manual Sick Leave Provisions.. The motion carried by a vote of 4 – yes; 1 – no.

Ayes: Mayor Patrick McGrady, Councilman Steven Goodin, Councilwoman Sandra Landbeck, Councilman Melvin Taylor

Nays: Councilman Timothy Lindecamp

K.5 Ordinance No. 18-O-19, Trash and Recycling (For Introduction) (Sponsor/s needed)

Mr. Torster asked the Council to introduce a revision to City Code §250 Environmental Controls on trash and recycling that require residents to use City provided containers and enact fees for bulk waste. Council discussion followed. The Council expressed the need to inform residents and to create provisions to accommodate exceptions. Councilman Goodin and Councilwoman Landbeck agreed to sponsor.

A motion was made by Councilman Steven Goodin and seconded by Councilwoman Sandra Landbeck to introduce Ordinance No. 18-O-19, Trash and Recycling. The motion carried by a vote of 5 – yes; 0 – no.

Ayes: Mayor Patrick McGrady, Councilman Steven Goodin, Councilwoman Sandra Landbeck, Councilman Timothy Lindecamp, Councilman Melvin Taylor

Nays: None

L) Unfinished Business - None

M) New Business - None

N) Updates From City Manager And Staff

N.1 City Manager Updates

The City Manager reported that negotiations on the Middelton Road project were going well. On June 25, 2018, the Council was scheduled to visit APG for the off-site groundbreaking of Building 250 which required APG security clearance. He provided the Council a list of the questions and answers from the Listening Session held at Aberdeen High School on May 31, 2018 in order to review the trend analysis. He reported the cost for this was approximately $2,300 in total.

Community Listening Session Results

N.2 Aberdeen Logistics Center Final Subdivision Plats 1 and 2, 727 Old Philadelphia Road

Ms. Grover said that the subdivision plats were a consolidation of the properties for 727 and 811 Old Philadelphia Road along with some easements for a 500,000 sq. ft. warehouse facility. The Planning Commission recommended approval at their May, 2018 meeting.

Mr. Gary Powell from Frederick Ward Associates explained that the incorporation of a State Highway Administration right away was addressed. The storm water requirements of the Federal Clean Water Act administered under the Municipal Storm Water Permitting Program (MS4) mandated that the State maintain ownership of the grass swale. Other issues were satisfactorily fulfilled. Mr. Powell mentioned that since there would always be a capacity for water, the note left on the plat that refers to the City not having water capacity was benign since there would always be capacity for water, allowing them to get a building permit. Council discussion followed.

A motion was made by Councilwoman Sandra Landbeck and seconded by Councilman Timothy Lindecamp to approve Aberdeen Logistics Center Final Subdivision Plats 1 and 2, 727 Old Philadelphia Road. The motion carried by a vote of 5 – yes; 0 – no.

Ayes: Mayor Patrick McGrady, Councilman Steven Goodin, Councilwoman Sandra Landbeck, Councilman Timothy Lindecamp, Councilman Melvin Taylor

Nays: None

O) Public Comment

Robert Hartman, Paradise Road: Mr. Hartman asked whether Resolution No. 18-R-02 included the elected officials and that senior citizens deserved a tax break, too.

Peggy Norton, Cronin Drive: Ms. Norton commented that Resolution No. 18-R-02 was not a true incentive.

Councilman Lindecamp replied to Mr. Hartman that Resolution No. 18-R-02 was for full time employees and not part time employees; the elected were part time.

P) Business Of Mayor And Council

The Council commented on the May 31, 2018 Listening Session held at Aberdeen High School and other school and community events/activities. They also thanked Senator Cassilly for his input at the Council Meeting.

The Mayor reported on the Middelton Road project and the current status of the water contract negotiations. The Council advised the City Manager and staff, to continue discussions with the City of Havre de Grace and Harford County Government on the path to seeing how it could work engineering-wise, but to make no commitments.

Q) Announcements

The Mayor made the following announcements:

Inter-County Outreach, Saturday, June 9, Festival Park

Keep Aberdeen Beautiful Clean Up, Saturday, June 9, 9 a.m., Festival Park

Law Enforcement Torch Run, Tuesday, June 5, 9 a.m., 60 N. Parke Street

Planning Commission Meeting, Wednesday, June 13, 7 p.m., Council Chambers

Community Policing Day, Saturday, June 23, 10 a.m. - 12 p.m., Plater Street Park

Off-site Groundbreaking Building 250 Project, Monday, June 25, 5 p.m., APG

Council Meeting, Monday, June 25, 7 p.m., Council Chambers

Aberdeen Farmer's Market, Thursdays, May-October, 4-7 p.m., Festival Park

R) Closed Meeting - None

S) Adjournment

Being no further business, the Mayor adjourned the meeting at 9:08 p.m.




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