Harford County Human Relations Commission will meet on Thursday, Nov. 8.
Here is the agenda provided by the commission:
I. Call To Order
Ii. Minutes
No Minutes For Approval.
Iii. Chairman’s Report
A. Guest Speaker, Sharon Stowers, “Gathering at the Community Table”
B. Commission Vacancies and attendance at meetings
Iv. Coordinator’s Report
A. Upcoming Events
B. County Civility Initiative
V. Old Business/Updates
V. New Business
A. Review draft of HRC Calendar of Meetings and Events – discussion and vote.
Vii. Announcements – A detailed listing of events, community council meetings, public meetings, etc., visit www.harfordcountymd.gov and click on the Calendars box (top row)
Viii. Next Meeting Date
No Meeting will be held in December. The next meeting will be held on January 10, 2019, 6:30 pm at Community Services, 125 N. Main Street, Bel Air, MD.
Ix. Adjourn