Citizens for Amy Altmann Jahnigen, a candidate committee, reported receiving $1,270 from Jan. 1 through March 31, according to its first quarter report to the Maryland State Board of Elections.
About 80.87 percent of Center for Educational Opportunity ninth through 12th graders advanced to the next grade level in 2017 and 22.86 percent of seniors graduated on time, according to the latest schools report card by the Maryland State Department of Education.
Patterson Mill High School in the Harford County Public Schools reported a dropout rate of less than 3 percent during the 2016-2017 school year, according to a Harford News analysis of the latest Maryland schools report card.
Joppatowne High in the Harford County Public Schools reported a dropout rate of 3.86 percent during the 2016-2017 school year, according to a Harford News analysis of the latest Maryland schools report card.
About 92.04 percent of Aberdeen High 12th graders advanced to the next grade level in 2017 and 80.22 percent of seniors graduated on time, according to the latest schools report card by the Maryland State Department of Education.
Friends of Shawn Kingston, a candidate committee, reported receiving $2,500 from Jan. 1 through March 31, according to its first quarter report to the Maryland State Board of Elections.
In 2017 at Patterson Mill High School more than 95 percent of seniors graduated on time, according to the latest schools report card by the Maryland State Department of Education.
Johnson, (Bridgette) for Harford, a candidate committee, reported receiving $355 from Jan. 1 through March 31, according to its first quarter report to the Maryland State Board of Elections.
Edgewood High in the Harford County Public Schools reported a dropout rate of 3.49 percent during the 2016-2017 school year, according to a Harford News analysis of the latest Maryland schools report card.
About 86.93 percent of Joppatowne High ninth and 12th graders advanced to the next grade level in 2017 and 75.63 percent of seniors graduated on time, according to the latest schools report card by the Maryland State Department of Education.
Citizens for Delegate for Russ English, a candidate committee, reported receiving $177.99 from Jan. 1 through March 31, according to its first quarter report to the Maryland State Board of Elections.